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Capital Funders visit The Hive

Some of the Hive Youth Zone’s Capital Funders enjoyed a tour of the Wirral facility as building work continues.

With both the interior and exterior really taking shape, the supporters were able to see what each room was going to be.

They were shown around by the Hive’s Chairman John Syvret and General Manager Stuart Barnes, as well as OnSide’s deputy Chief Executive Rob Carter and Senior Development Surveyor Adam Poyner.

Among the capital funders were Anne Threlkeld from The Queen’s Trust, Peter Dickinson, Mark Lally and Paula Sherlock Cross from St James’ Place Foundation and Peter Johnson from the Johnson Foundation.

They have all contributed generously to the capital costs of the facility which will pay for it being built.

Addressing them afterwards, John Syvret said: “I’m born and bred in Birkenhead so I’m very proud to be the chairman of Wirral Youth Zone.

“What you are contribitng to here will make a massive, massive difference to the local community.”

The team from OnSide was able to update the funders with a building update too.

Adam Poyner said: “We are pleased with the contractor’s performance so far, they’re on programme in the most parts.

“It’s always good to show a team of supporters, whether it’s founder patrons or capital funders, what we are all about and it’s great to hear such great reactions.”

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