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‘Eco Week’ at The Hive, in partnership with B&M Waste Services

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Young people will be taking part in seven days of Eco activities, including tree planting, a local litter pick and an ‘Eco Audit’ of the Youth Zone.

The Hive Youth Zone’s members are focusing on how to be more environmentally friendly in a week of Eco activity, where young people will be looking at ways to reduce waste and recycle in and around their Youth Zone. The weeks activities are supported by Founder Patrons B&M Waste services who will be taking part in tree planting, a litter pick and an Eco audit with members. Leading the local litter pick will be Wirral’s own ‘Little Collector;’ eight-year-old Elizabeth Gadsdon, an award-winning local environmentalist, who regularly volunteers her time organising litter picks alongside a dedicated team of children and parents.

Jayne Kennedy, Marketing Manager at B&M Waste Services said;

“We’re proud to have been patrons of The Hive since its inception and are thrilled to be partnering with their Eco week. We also recently launched our Little Litter Pickers scheme, a new initiative designed to educate children on the importance of waste minimisation and recycling through fun and interactive classroom sessions, practical litter-picking in their local area, and visiting our state-of-the-art Recycling Innovation Centre. Feedback from the centre to date has been exceptional, with one teacher commenting that the programme “will definitely encourage the students to keep the environment tidy and to reduce, re-use and recycle!”. We’re positive that this week’s activities which includes a visit to our innovation centre, litter picking and planting trees amongst other things will be a great success and are thrilled to be involved.”


Located in the heart of Wirral, The Hive Youth Zone is a charity which supports over 3,500 young people aged 8 – 19, and up to age 25 for those with a disability. Raising aspirations and changing lives by giving members ‘Somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to’ 365 days of the year. Membership costs £5 annually and each visit costs 50p. Sessions running across the week deliver a minimum of 20 activities each day across sports, arts, music and media, giving members access to state-of-the-art facilities including an indoor climbing wall, fully equipped fitness suite, salon, an outdoor skate park, training kitchen, music room, 4G rooftop pitch and performing arts studio.


Head of Youth Work at The Hive Gill Pleavin said:

“Our members are extremely passionate about caring for their environment, and issues such as plastic waste reduction, recycling and sustainability are regularly discussed as part of our Junior, Senior and Hiveability council agenda’s. Here at The Hive we have already seen positive changes implemented by the young people, such as the removal of plastic straws from our cafe and bottle top collection points for recycling. This week is a great opportunity for us to have an environmental focus across all of our sessions, and with the support of B&M Waste we have some exciting projects to raise awareness of these key issues across the Youth Zone.”



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