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Engage young people with your project

If you’re planning a project to support Wirral’s young people, we can help you deliver the impact you’re seeking. With thousands of young members, more than 40,000 visits per year by young people across our sessions and an expert youth work team, we’d love to help you make your project a success. Whether you’re looking for space to run your activities in, help to design and run activities that will engage young people or you’d like to team up with us in a partnership, let’s talk! 

Commission #teamhive as your partner

You can commission us to deliver projects for you – as a local partner on a regional or national programme, or for bespoke support needed by young people in a specific Wirral community. We’re proud to deliver universal youth work services for Wirral Council, as well as school-based wellbeing support to help school pupils build their resilience skills, the award-winning NHS Cadets programme on behalf of local health services, and operating as a base for Wirral’s DWP youth hub (delivered by MyMCT). We work with local services and businesses on employability skills for young people, and are keen to further build our work in this area.

Commission our wellbeing support

Our wellbeing support for young people is delivered both here at The Hive and out in schools across the Wirral. Our Bee Amazing: Lemonade schools programme has now worked with more than 350 pupils in both primary and secondary schools around the peninsula, empowering young people of all ages to have challenging discussions and to develop their resilience, whatever their circumstances. 

Your school can commission our wellbeing team to deliver the Lemonade package with your pupils, or we can design a bespoke activity programme which meets the needs of your school – focusing on skills for resilience and coping strategies for the stresses of friendships, schoolwork, exams, home life and more.

Read what Co-op Academies Trust said about working with us over the last year.

Commission #teamhive on school attendance

Our six-week Inspiring Futures programme works with young people who have disengaged from school, are too anxious to go, or are at risk of being excluded. It uses an educational focus along with visits to museums, industry and some fun to unlock their inspiration and encourage them back to school – making those critical links between what young people want to do, and the journey to get there. The impact is incredible: the most recent cohort saw a 90% increase in school attendance, and the project has been profiled by the national Centre for Social Justice thinktank. 

team up with #teamhive as a school

We work with schools right across Wirral and beyond on a huge range of activities – from sports facilities hire to meeting space, exam venues, team time and school residential packages if you’re looking for a more affordable alternative to a trip away for your pupils. 

Our values

Young people first

Young people are at the heart of everything we do and how we make decisions.


Challenging young people and ourselves to be the best we can be – we’re always learning. 


We care for each other and for The Hive.

We celebrate diversity.


We create and nurture strong, creative partnerships to better serve young people.


We are passionate and driven in taking on new challenges, embracing new ideas.

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