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Young People’s Development Group keen to work in partnership

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The Hive’s Young People’s Development Group have been extremely busy over the last few months, actively engaging with the local community to spread the imperative message of partnership across Wirral and beyond ahead of The Hive opening in 2017.

For the second time this year, young people from HYPE – a local organisation that works with young people from across Wirral – were brought to Wigan Youth Zone for a visit ahead of The Hive opening next year.

The results were fantastic. The young people loved the experience and said that they cannot wait until their Youth Zone, The Hive, opens its doors.

We have since used Hype’s ‘Little T Room’ on Grange Road West to hold one of our Young People’s Development’s Group training sessions where the group are now looking to raise awareness of the Youth Zone after successfully working on the hoarding designs which currently sit around the perimeter of the site.

The Hive’s Youth Worker Kevin Burke said: “It was amazing to see Hype’s young people fit right into Wigan Youth Zone. Every time we take young people to see this place I am bowled over at how easily everyone automatically blends in and becomes part of the movement. I would also like to say thank you to Matt from Hype too. His is as committed to his young people as he is to community engagement and I cannot wait for the next piece of work that brings us together.”

The group have also recently visited OnSide Youth Zones newest facility to open – The Way in Wolverhampton to learn about certain aspects of the Youth Zone and decide on specific elements for The Hive. The feedback was hugely informative…

The group spotted a couple of issues such as:

• Footballs were getting stuck in the cricket nets and the group have already worked out potential solutions to avoid losing balls at The Hive.

• There is a high proportion of LGBTQ in the group and they are all very sensitive around gender neutrality. With that in mind and after seeing The Way’s Health and Wellbeing room, they now have thoughts on an appropriate colour for The Hive’s room.

• They noticed the Youth Zone was very white. The group understand that character takes time to build. However, they feel that even if they can change the colour scheme to fit The Hive branding  it may help the building feel less ‘clinical’ to begin with.

The group have also recently visited Bentnik Street Community Centre where they joined in a session run by The Play Scheme, right behind where The Hive will be built. The community centre kids loved it too!

Bentik School visit

They have visited Birkenhead School to take part in a consultation about the Youth Zone where they met the School Council of whome thought that it was a great idea to get every pupil’s opinion and asked if they could take this consultation into every class in the school. There is potential to gather over 600 feedback forms on the back of this with most of the school’s pupils living within a mile of our building. The staff were so supportive and told their pupils that everyone should WANT to have an input to this incredible opportunity.

More recently our group were invited to the launch of TeenWirral – a Wirral website for young people that has a wealth of resources, information, signposting and indeed activity lists. They had an absolute ball taking in the candy floss, tunes, free wrist bands and the “Soak your Youth Worker” challenge……The group even soaked Councillor Warren Ward who took to the dreaded seat! TeenWirral are keen to work with us moving forward and will include The Hive’s details on the site for young people to get involved.

Regarding further consultations, we have been in close communications with the likes of Shaftesbury Youth Club, Youth Federation, South Wirral Outreach Team, Wallasey Vocational College, Birkenhead outreach team, Mersey Fire Cadets (Wallasey) and we are working collaboratively with Wirral Council’s Youth Hubs across Wirral to make sure partnership work is key in the project moving forward.

If you want to work in partnership with Wirral Youth Zone contact General Manager Stuart Barnes on 07734 217916 or email



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